Harvesting Resilience
Understanding early warning system communications to inform anticipatory action and enhance food security in the Horn of Africa
Understanding the relationship between communication methods and content effectiveness is essential for creating seamless and responsive early warning systems that are tailored to communities' needs. Urban Foresight (UK) is leading a team of researchers comprising i-shamba (Kenya), Maanshiil Consult (Ethiopia) and Omeva consulting (UK and Namibia) to increase the effectiveness of the early warnings, and the anticipatory actions that can be taken in response to shocks in the Horn of Africa.
The project will:
- Identify current early warning communications methods both available and most used, formal and informal, modern and traditional.
- Carry out community engagement to understand barriers to current and preferred channels of communication; and how local actors in agro-pastoral and pastoral communities interpret the content that they receive.
- Co-design recommendations with the communities concerned, on the preferred content and means of communication for an effective warning system.
- Document the community practices and traditional knowledge used to anticipate climate shocks and natural disasters. Assess the effectiveness of the practices with the potential to scale the response to the national or regional level. Explore opportunities to integrate community practices and traditional knowledge into early warning systems to improve their effectiveness.
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